Google to Salesforce integration step by step

Matthieu Hasser
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2017


At Texeï, we have recently been through Lightning Sync for Gmail to activate this Spring’ 17 fresh new feature for one of our client… and it wasn’t as easy as it seems…

Despite an official documentation was released by Salesforce to help us handle the technical part of the configuration, it can still remains complicated for those of us who aren’t familiar with Google admin consoles and APIs.

We hope that the following step by step tutorial will enable Salesforce Admins to save time configuring this new awesome feature.

Before we start, you’ll need to open 3 different tabs in your favorite browser:

  1. Once logged in into your Salesforce org, navigate to Setup / Email / Lightning Sync / Sync Setup
  2. As your company use Google for work to manage emails, go to also known as Google Cloud Platform and be sure to login with your admin credentials (the ones you use to manage your company email service)
  3. You’ll also need to configure (as an admin) your google for work console which can be found at this URL:

Now that you’re ready let’s go through the technical stuff:

1. From the Salesforce setup page

Make sure to enable Lightning Sync and choose your connection method: OAuth 2.0 for Google.

You should also make sure Enhance Email feature is enabled for your org.

2. From your google cloud platform console

Navigate to API Manager with the hamburger menu

Create a new project within your google domain. It can be easily done…

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