My first steps with S-Docs

William Spartacus
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021


I remember it clearly it was a peaceful Thursday, the birds were twittering and cars gently passing by ( because of the speed bump…) then i received a call, or i should say the call ! the divine examinator was clear, S-Docs will be our new Document Generator !

What’s S-Docs ?

It’s a Salesforce native application, providing solutions to automate the generation of documents and electronically sign them. All of it is done without leaving the Salesforce ecosystem, which is relevant if you are concerned about the integrity of your data.

Furthermore, the tool is free to use, up to two templates.

Let’s start

Go to the AppExchange and look for S-Docs and click Get it Now.

Then choose carefully your environment. Production or Sandbox that is the question.

Then make sure to Install for All Users.

Congrats you’ve installed S-Docs !

Add a S-Docs button to the object Page layout

The button is ready to be add to the layout page of the following standard objects: Contract, Opportunity, Account, Contact, Lead, Task and Event.

In my case it will be the Opportunity .

If you need to add the button on another standard object go there and for custom object click here.

Create a template

We need to go on the S-Docs app and click on the S-Docs templates tab then click the new button to create a S-Docs template.

Enter a template name, select a related type which is the primary object the template will use.

Once the template is created, head to the Template Editor.

Now, you a have the possibility to use one of the free template available on…

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